Everybody Will Fall in Love to Girls with So Cute Voice.
☆☆You Can Enjoy Your Work with Shiori!☆☆
“Hey you! Study harder with me!”
To enjoy work and to increase efficiency –These are what everybody wishes. You can make these come true with cute girls!
Studying for tests, Doing Homework, Arranging Documents and etc., if routine work, will get boring soon. Even if you could focus at first, you might lose concentration recently. Everybody is in for trouble to do those monotonous work (But it must be done :( )
You can use the alarm tool when you want to get a high level of concentration. It confirms if you focus on the work! You must try hard when Shiori says ”Boys who work earnestly are so cool.”
☆Easy to Use!☆
If you first decide how often Shiori talks (ex. every 10min), Shiori talks to you in Kyoto Dialect at that interval (10min!).
Photos used in KawaiiTimer are taken with the permission of the individual women. Copyright belongs to Vi-King Co., Ltd. Such secondary use as unauthorized reproduction is prohibited.